Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Security gates help keep criminals out

Burglary hot-spots can be made safer with the effective utilisation of security gates. Potential intruders will often be put off from entering properties that appear secure.
This has shown to be the case in Leeds and other UK towns and cities where officials have found that the fitting of secure barriers has effectively cut crime.
The very presence of security barriers or gates is often enough to deter individuals from trespassing as it suggests that the building behind the barrier is likely to be very secure and therefore too difficult for the average thief to attempt to enter.
Atlas can provide security solutions for residential or busines properties, whatever their size or location. Browse the website and check out our installations and satisfied customers before calling us on
01753 696166.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Increase your peace of mind with security gates

If you want to increase your home security, fitting automatic gates can help to deter burglars.
While there are many security measures that can help to prtotect your home from vandalism and theft, it is important to back these up by sticking to certain rules.
Always lock doors - even if you are in. The fact that you are at home will not deter many burglars so keeping all entry points secure is a sensible precaution.
If there is a security system fitted, restrict the code to those members of the household that need to know and, as with your credit cards and computer, don't use an obvious code like a birth date.
To find out more about security gates call Atlas on 01753 696166 or visit our website. http://www.atlasgroup.co.uk/